नई टिप्पणी जोड़ें



Respected Sir/ Madam, I swarswati Mishra W/O Shree Pawan Kumar Mishra (Reg. No. 20280274) with Union Bank of India A/C 631302120005XXX(IFSC CODE-UBIN000563137) was submitted with all required documents ie. Aadhar , Samagra id too. On dated 11.06.2023/07:18:05" i have received a message from APBS-CR/Ladali Ba. Rs. 1000 credited to A/c No. 895801000235XX(BANK OF BARODA), it is being deposited in someone else's account.
How is it possible that instead of my account , money is being deposited by the government in some other Bank Account, person's account?
Sarswati Mishra A/c No. 6313021200050XX,UBI, Neharu Nagar Rewa, Aadhar No. 5952307942XX
Kindly check once the account no. and do the correction ASAP.
Kind Regards
Sarswati Mishra ( Reg. 20280274)
Kailashpur,16,Kailashpur ,Hanumana, Rewa(MP)486335
A/c No. 6313021200050XX(IFS Code-UBIN0563XXX
Aadhar No. 595230794XXX

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