नई टिप्पणी जोड़ें

आपका नाम
Jaya Girish Wegela

I Jaya Girish Wegela, permanent citizen of Mumbai-Maharastra, residing in Goregaon(west) for the last 25 years, mother of Akasita Grish Wegela, having taken the Higher Secondary Certificate (commerce) final exam would like to receive a government grant for the fees for her further education from the various State Government Schemes.
I and my family of four have an orange Rataion Card.
Due to the ill health of my husband, I am the only earning member in my family and survive by doing household work.
Given the above, I would like to appeal to the honorable Chief Minster to please consider my case and grant me some relief for the college fees for the coming year and oblige.
I would also like to present my case along with proof of my husband's health and daughter's education profile to the office of the State Government responsible for granting Education Grants.
I Sir/Madam would lastly like to request you to inform me as to which office of the state government in Mumbai Suburb, should go to and present my case for the above education grant.

सादा टेक्स्ट

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